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DexGANGrasp: Dexterous Generative Adversarial Grasping Synthesis for Task-Oriented Manipulation

1Agile Robots SE, Germany
2Technical University of Munich, Germany
*Equal Contribution
Accepted by IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids) 2024


DexGanGrasp is a model that uses Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) to generate dexterous grasps (via a DexGenerator) and assess their stability (via a DexEvaluator). The method was tested through extensive simulations and real-world experiments, showing an 18.57% higher success rate compared to the baseline FFHNet.


We introduce DexGANGrasp, a dexterous grasping synthesis method that generates and evaluates grasps with single view in real time. DexGanGrasp comprises a Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs)-based DexGenerator to generate dexterous grasps and a discriminator-like DexEvalautor to assess the stability of these grasps. Extensive simulation and real-world expriments showcases the effectiveness of our proposed method, outperforming the baseline FFHNet with an 18.57% higher success rate in real-world evaluation. We further extend DexGanGrasp to DexAfford-Prompt, an openvocabulary affordance grounding pipeline for dexterous grasping leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) and Vision Language Models (VLMs), to achieve task-oriented grasping with successful real-world deployments.


DexGANGrasp Model Architecture

DexAfford-Prompt Pipeline


Grasping in simulation with the Robotiq-3F gripper

Grasping with DexGANGrasp

Task Oriented Grasping with DexAfford-Prompt


- We propose a real-time dexterous grasp synthesis and evaluation pipeline using conditional GANs for unknown objects with a dexterous hand from a single view.

- New synthetic grasping dataset for Robotiq-3F hand: 115 objects, 2.1 million grasps, 5750 different scenes.

- Extension of DexGanGrasp to DexAfford-Prompt, a task-oriented grasping pipeline leveraging MLLMs and VLMs for open-vocabulary affordance grounding.

- Extensive experiments in simulation and real-world settings, with a detailed ablation study, showing our method outperforms the cVAE baseline and is effective in DexAfford-Prompt for task-oriented grasping with user-initiated affordance.


      title={DexGANGrasp: Dexterous Generative Adversarial Grasping Synthesis for Task-Oriented Manipulation}, 
      author={Qian Feng and David S. Martinez Lema and Mohammadhossein Malmir and Hang Li and Jianxiang Feng and Zhaopeng Chen and Alois Knoll},